As a completion of DYC, there are multiple ways to stay in touch with not only DYC, but your peers as well. One of the ways you can keep in touch is by joining our Dynamite Graduates Facebook Page, where we have an active alumni association. Furthermore, you can attend Blue Moon groups, which are held the first Friday of every month – specifically for alumni. Follow us on social media to stay updated and reminded of these groups!

Annual Alumni Meeting!

Always April 1st!

Open House Starts at 7:00 p.m.

In-Person at DYC

Best Night of the Year!

Let Us Know You're Coming

Please RSVP to dmarro@dycinc.org

If the date is ever conflicting with a holiday and/or event, we’ll keep you informed via social media and/or email blasts. Please subscribe to our newsletter below to stay up to date and in the know!


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